Training practices and blanket emails: here's Rubicon Grove's response

Posted on 2 May 2024 in Aged Care

We wrote to management recently about workers’ concerns around the lack of thorough training for manual handling and fire training.

We told management that many workers find the training rushed and insufficient, particularly when it comes to fire training, and some workers at Rubicon Grove haven't received any fire training despite nearly a year on the job. This leaves them feeling uncertain about what to do in the event of a fire alarm, creating serious safety risks.

We suggested Rubicon Grove should have regular practice drills to make sure workers are more prepared if a real fire takes place.

In response, Peter said: “All staff have been registered and informal regarding dates of their mandatory training. Sadly, some staff have not attended this training when required. Fire training is now offered every quarter and is already part of every new staff members orientation. As you would be aware, everyone has a duty of care to look after their own and others safety. If any staff are not familiar and confident in the emergency procedures, they need to contact their supervisor/manager asap so additional training can be provided.”

We also told Peter that workers are frustrated about blanket emails sent out by management in response to individual mistakes, which makes many employees feel unfairly blamed for something they haven’t done. Peter said, “Communication can be a challenge at times, despite everyone’s best efforts. With many staff working different shifts, emails are still a good method of ensuring that everyone receives the same information. This can include reminders on key topics or policies.”

Peter also mentioned that management are indeed having individual conversations with staff members although some workers may not be aware of it, and he encourages employees to discuss any workplace issues with their manager or supervisor.

If you have any issues at work, you can take Peter up on his offer to speak with your supervisor or manager in the first instance. If you still feel unheard or nothing is done to address the issue, please give HACSUassist a call on 1300 880 032 to chat about your options.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form

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