Questions relating to the removal of Possability meal provisions answered

Posted on 4 September, 2024

Community and Disability Sector

Following on from our recent bulletin to you where we were waiting on a response to our questions relating to the removal of your current meal provisions, management have now answered those questions with the following:
Q. Members need to know what the practicalities are now they are being forced to pay for and eat their own meals i.e. how do they obtain meals? Can they call UberEats etc?

A. “Staff will be required to bring their meals to work as other workers are required to do so. If they do wish to use UberEats, they should discuss this with their manager to ensure it does not impact on the clients they are supporting.”
Q. How do they manage the behaviours of the clients when the client has escalated behaviours due to not eating the same as the worker? (I know you stated that you didn’t believe workers ate with the participants but as stated many do and have done for some time – a direction I believe which came from Possability originally so as to be inclusive and to ensure the client is observed whilst eating in case there are any choking issues etc)

A. “At the moment, it is a very low number of staff that eat the same food as the participant and at the table with them while eating. For those clients, this change may cause client behaviour. Staff should discuss their concerns with their manager and the behaviour will be managed as per the BSP in place. Staff will be expected to sit with clients while they eat if required due to meal management plans, staff can choose to eat their own meal at the same time or at another time during their shift.”
Q. With the frozen meals that are provided, will these be the approximate value of the allowance (as discussed, a $5 frozen meal is different from an $18 allowance) and how will the meals work in relation to those that require special diets i.e. gluten free, vegan etc – I know you talked about doing a form where employees could put their meal preferences, is that the option?

A. “For each site we will work with staff to look at the range of frozen meals required to meet food preferences within reason. As per the EA the allowance is paid if no meal is provided, there is no requirement for it to be of the same value as the allowance.”
Q. What happens to the leftovers that workers cook for clients, do they now get thrown out rather than being shared?

A. “Leftovers should be kept for the client as should be happening now.”
Q. Will staff fridges be provided so that clients / participants don’t go and help themselves to a staff member’s meals?

A. “If it is identified that staff need a separate fridge then this will be arranged. This is already in place for a number of sites. If staff are currently sharing a fridge with clients where the food purchased by Possability is stored, then there is no reason they would now need a separate fridge for food they bring to site themselves.”
Q. Will unpaid meal breaks now be a thing if workers have to duck out and grab a meal?

A. “As per the EA staff are paid for meal breaks as they are expected to be supporting clients at all times. Staff will be required to bring their food to shift with them, not “duck out” to purchase food.”
Q. Will social inclusion start to occur if employees go and hide to eat their meal away from the client / participant? Is this allowed under the NDIS?

A. “Unsure why staff would feel the need to hide their food from clients. If staff feel that having different food from a client will cause behaviours, they need to speak with their manager and it will be handled as we would with any other behaviours of concern.”
Q. There are some sites that are under the impression that Possability have not been contributing to house food budgets for several years? (this may need further investigation)  

A. “Possability have continued to pay food allowance into site accounts that are eligible. This money goes into a site account managed by the Practice leader and Operation Manager, staff do not have oversight of this. A lot of purchases are also made directly to Woolworths and paid by Possability, the money is not deposited into accounts.”

We also made it very clear to management that given that workers are not allowed to leave the homes, and that meals are no longer being paid for, you are entitled to source your meals by whatever means you like. 
If you bring your meal that is your prerogative, if you call UberEats - that again is your prerogative. You are entitled to a meal break, which in turn entitles you to eat a meal of your choosing.
We also let management know that by not providing or paying for meals, the employer loses the right to control what an employee eats, and in that respect, the employee does not have to engage with their manager regarding what they eat and how they go about obtaining what they eat.
If you require a separate fridge to store your meals in, don’t forget management said this can be arranged, so be sure to let them know if this is the case.
If you have any further questions on the removal of the meal provisions or if behaviours occur from participants as a direct result of workers eating differently, please give HACSUassist a call on 1300 880 032 to discuss the matter further.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form

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