Tasmania's health services real victims of State Government knifings

Posted on 3 October 2023 in Media Releases

The State Government have made Tasmania’s health services the victims of their own internal chaos which has now seen the Health Ministry slashed down to a part-time job.

Health workers and their union demand a full-time Health Minister.

HACSU made it clear to the Premier when he kept the Health portfolio after taking over the top job that we will accept nothing less than Health being a full-time priority for this Government.

To that end, we welcomed the Premier’s July decision to hand the role over to Guy Barnett, ensuring that there would be a full-time Minister devoted to resolving the crisis afflicting Tasmania’s health system.

Health workers are incredibly disappointed by the Premier’s decision to cut support to health in Tasmania.

Quotes attributable to HACSU State Secretary Robbie Moore

“We’re incredibly disappointed that just two months after acknowledging the importance of having someone in the Health portfolio full-time, the Premier has already back-flipped on his commitment to fixing the health crisis and relegated Health to a part-time job.”

“Of course Attorney General is a very important portfolio, but if there’s no one else who could have done it we should have gotten another full-time Health Minister – not someone doing it off the side of their desk.”

“This isn’t good enough. Tasmanians deserve a decent health system and that means we need someone who’s fully dedicated to the role.”

“The Premier needs to rethink this knee-jerk decision and reinstate a full-time Health Minister now.”

For further information or comment please contact HACSU State Secretary Robbie Moore. 

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form

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