New ICON agreement voted up

Posted on 7 August, 2024

Allied Health Professionals

The results are in for the vote on your new agreement - here’s the breakdown of how you and your comrades voted: 90% yes 10% no

It’s clear that most of you were keen on the agreement, so congratulations on having your say to get it across the line. By being union and getting active you’ve won a host of new conditions, such as:

- a six-month renegotiation clause
- greater career progression an improved classification structure, with more transparency about where everyone falls
- yearly pay increases, as well as a standing regional allowance pushing you closer to the public sector
- the ability to purchase annual leave more clarity around existing entitlements like PD and overtime payments
- the right to disconnect

The next steps are that HACSU’s State Secretary, Robbie, signs the agreement, then it goes to the Fair Work Commission who assess it on the BOOT (better off overall test). This process usually takes a few weeks to a month but either way, we’ll keep you updated as we hear from them.

The new agreement comes into effect 7 days after registration with the commission and expires in June 2027. You should see your backpay in the first full pay period after the agreement comes into effect.

Getting onto an agreement for the first time ever is huge, so again, well done on taking the leap and speaking up for your rights at work!

We know that this will be massive for a lot of you, but just because you’re on an agreement now doesn’t mean that everything is rosy – so if you’ve got any questions or you need any help from us you can email me us on [email protected] or call HACSUassist on 1300 880 032.
For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form

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