Ambulance industrial action update

Posted on 2 January, 2024 in Ambulance

Industrial action started on Friday and what you’ve done so far is already putting some pressure on the government to make things change.
Our industrial action campaign will continue until the government follows through; your commitment to ongoing industrial action is what’s going to force them to act and make change.
The list of actions we’re taking for the first phase of the campaign are:
1. Wearing union clothing whilst on duty – get your pink t-shirt out
2. Displaying and distributing union campaign material, including chalking vehicles with approved campaign slogans.

We’ve created a flyer you can distribute to patients and their families - we'll make sure we leave some at your work. 

Here’s some more slogans to get you through the new year period:

New Year, new solutions: More Ambulance staff now
Resolutions for New Year: Get more staff
Resolutions for New Year: Fix health
Full time problems need a full time Minister
Ambulance delays no more, fix health in ’24
New beginnings, better responses: Invest in Ambulance services
Countdown to improvement: Our community deserves ambulances
New Year, same problem: Fix the broken health system
3. We’ll also be reporting staffing numbers for the regions and SOC on our social media pages and elsewhere so that everyday Tasmanians know the reality of what you’re actually dealing with.
We know that there is a demand for t-shirts and we’ll have some more on the way soon – apparently Santa’s orders were priority.
We’ll be around to drop some printed flyers and chalk pens to you at your station and chat more about our action too.
For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form


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