To: State parliament

We need more occupational therapists in northern tasmania

Occupational Therapists help people to improve their independence, safety, and quality of life. Many Tasmanians are able to stay out of hospital or get out of hospital more quickly because of OTs.

Because the Department of Health has failed to recruit and retain suitably qualified workers, vital Occupational Therapy services have been withdrawn or drastically reduced in northern Tasmania, particularly at the Launceston General Hospital.

There is currently only one OT for the three medical wards in the LGH. Patients admitted to the rehabilitation ward cannot have OT services even though they may need them. Current waiting periods in the community are at least 6-9 months, with some people waiting more than 12 months. Some don’t even get seen at all.

We’re calling on the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly in Tasmania to lobby the Health Minister to immediately implement a dedicated campaign to recruit Occupational Therapists to Tasmania, particularly the North.

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