Ambulance union update - August 2024

Posted on 12 August, 2024


Given some recent events, it seems appropriate to remind you of the update we sent some weeks ago now regarding single officer responses.

AT has various specialist positions that are responded to as single officer responders, and it is also the case that some members often AGREE to respond as a single responder in times of workforce shortages. But you have the right to refuse to respond as a single officer for several reasons. Safety sits at the top of that list! We will not tolerate staff being forced to respond as a single officer. This doesn’t mean you can’t be asked but if you say no, your decision should be respected and that should be the end of it.

Should any member find themselves in a position where your right to refuse to work independently is challenged we want to hear from you.

Transfer of Care

It seems the government is sitting on their hands on this one. It is now weeks since we called on them to convene a roundtable of stakeholders about the Transfer of Care issues we are experiencing. At the same time, the nurses’ union is in dispute with the government on resourcing the TOC. Well, guess what Minister, we are sick of waiting on the ramp and would be keen for the government to give the nurses’ union whatever they need to ensure we can get our patients off stretchers and for us to get back to what we are actually employed to do. What’s that you ask? Not standing in hospital corridors, that’s what!

The government has promised a meeting, but we still have no date.

Fatigue Policy

AT has recently released a draft version of a new Fatigue Policy. Whilst the policy is comprehensive, we are concerned that AT will not be able to implement it effectively given current demand and staff shortages. Your executive has responded to the draft, within which we make the point about factors limiting AT’s ability to implement the policy correctly and consistently. As you know, other policies (for example the ”End of Shift Protocol”) are often set aside because of demand and staff shortages.

Sleeping Arrangements

We are aware of concerns in the north regarding changed sleeping arrangements at Launceston HQ. Members have raised concerns locally about the lack of consultation relating to the change and the impact the change will have on staff fatigue. Congratulations to those members who have raised these concerns with local management. We look forward to a timely and satisfactory resolution for all members.

CPD payments

We know this matter has been on the agenda for a little while now but we remain in discussions with HR on what appears to be an underpayment of the first year of the CPD allowance under the current agreement. We have sought further information from HR on the data they have provided and await their response. We should then be able to determine the extent of any possible underpayments.

HACSU working group in Comms

The HACSU working group in Comms has now met for the second time. Members are currently working through several matters relating to their work group. High on their list of issues is car parking (as everyone in the south would know). We recently met again with the CE on this matter and some short and longer-term solutions were discussed with him. We are now waiting.
For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form

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The information we recently received about the state of the fleet is concerning.

Ambulance union update - August 2024

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