Capitol to put agreement out to vote soon

Posted on 20 August, 2024

Health Services Industry

Capitol contacted us today to indicate that they will put their shoddy agreement offer out to vote, with the access period (the time you can view the offer, but not vote) starting on Monday 26 August.

The bottom line is they haven’t moved substantially on wages, or the other outstanding conditions that we’ve provided them your feedback on time and time again. You can read their “final” Enterprise Agreement document here. 

The headlines of what they’re putting on the table are: 

• The same first-year wages and 2.5% in 2025 and 2026 – for admin staff this means no increase in the first year
• A venepuncture allowance of $1000 per annum, paid fortnightly, for MRI and CT – provided they do 10 cannulations a fortnight and are certified to do them
• A $500 Health and Safety rep allowance per HSR, per annum
• 2 days COVID leave a year, non-cumulative
• 1 day study leave/PD where an approved course is undertaken and paid leave to attend exams
• 3 days union delegates leave to attend training (less than the current 5 days provided for under new Fair Work changes this year)
• No increase to annual or personal leave 
• A one-day increase to compassionate leave
• 12 weeks paid parental leave 
• 10 days unpaid cultural leave for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff members 

Essentially, it’s an award replication with a few treats in there, but mostly, it’s what you’ve already got – which is the bare minimum compared to other organisations on an EA. 

You’d probably know that Capitol have continued to cry poor in our conversations with them, and that may be true, but given that their mainland CEO reportedly earns a cool 1.5 million a year and raked in $209.6 million in revenue in 2023, you should be getting more than pathetically low 2.5% wage increases for 2025 and 2026.

Your colleagues across the sector, both public and private, are being offered and fighting for more too, and we need to see something on the table that values you and the important work you do, no matter which position you work at Radiology or Imagining. 

But we can’t push for more without your involvement. 

We’re calling our members at Radiology Tasmania and Women’s Imaging to see where you stand and to make a plan to get a better offer, if that’s what you want. In the current environment, you won’t find many employees across the health sector accepting less than 3% – we don’t think you should either. 

Please keep an eye out for a call from us and another email about when we’ll be visiting you shortly. Otherwise, if you’ve got questions or need more information about the offer, feel free to give us a call on 1300 880 032 or email at [email protected]  

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email [email protected] or complete our online contact form

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