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Support Healthscope Staff

Our Work = Your Care

Tasmania’s second biggest private hospital provider Healthscope is an internationally owned, for-profit conglomerate.

Instead of providing quality care to their patients who pay a premium to access private health, Healthscope are more interested in maintaining their multimillion-dollar profits and returning money to their investors.

Healthscope workers supported the company throughout COVID and kept coming to work in risky and difficult situations.

Workers are asking for decent working conditions and fair remuneration for the work they put in. But Healthscope would rather push their staff to breaking point than provide them decent pay and put more workers on the ground.

Healthscope’s current offer will see workers’ wages fall drastically below the cost of living increases and will force many to start looking for work elsewhere to survive.

Healthscope can afford to do better than this. They can afford to support workers and patients.

Healthscope staff deserve a fair wage offer and conditions deal. These are the workers who are responsible for patients’ health and welfare while they’re staying. They care about their patients and need our support to do the best job they can.

Since Healthscope have ignored worker concerns, they might listen to you – as their patient, family of a patient or a concerned community member who cares about quality care.

Please give your feedback and stop Healthscope from putting profit before patients!

Your personal details will be kept anonymous.

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