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Southern Cross Care: stop the cuts if you care

Southern Cross Care proposed to cut over 170 specialist roles including enrolled nurses, leisure and lifestyle staff, and food services workers across their Tasmanian facilities.

Due to residents, families and community members standing together and speaking out against the cuts, Southern Cross Care have now agreed to put their cuts on hold until the end of January 2023.

Now the SCC Board have the chance to stand up to the CEO and prove they care about older Tasmanians by reversing their proposed cuts to staffing. There’s still time for them to do the right thing for their residents and workers before it’s too late.

Please send a message to SCC Board to urge them to stop the cuts completely and provide quality care to residents.

Your personal details will be kept anonymous.

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Why is this important?

From wound care, medication assistance to diabetes plans, enrolled nurses are essential for the health and safety of our loved ones in aged care.

Leisure and Lifestyle workers play a vital role in ensuring older residents have dignity and purpose in their daily lives. They do it all, from outings for meals to co-ordinating the bingo or footy tipping, and running activities in arts, crafts, and music – all the things that make aged care lively and rewarding for our loved ones.

Food Services workers do a special and essential job. They make sure all residents get three nutritious meals a day, along with morning and afternoon tea. Lack of nutrition in diet is already a huge issue in aged care. With these roles already stretched thin, care staff who are expected to do even more work simply won't be able to deliver warm and decent meals and drinks.

Residents’ health and wellbeing will be put at risk if SCC cut these important jobs.

SCC’s CEO and Board need to make the right choice, or they need to go and make way for management that cares about older Tasmanians.