Sign the petition:

North west hospital cleaners deserve equal pay for equal work


Cleaners in our public hospitals play a crucial role in keeping us safe and helping us get better.

Since COVID-19 and the rise of other infectious diseases, hospital cleaners have become more specialised in their skills and training. Now more than ever, their jobs are crucial to patient safety.

But sadly, their specialised efforts often go unnoticed and unacknowledged by the Department. It’s time they were treated fairly.

The Issue:

Despite their vital role, regional cleaners from King Island to Queenstown, the North West to the Mersey, are still not being paid properly or recognised for COVID cleaning or terminal cleans.

In effect, it means that cleaners doing the same job in regional hospitals are being paid two pay levels lower than the specialised teams doing the same job at the RHH and the LGH.

It’s not fair that the Department continues to deny these vital workers the same conditions as their colleagues in other parts of Tasmania who already receive fair compensation for their work.

Our Petition:

We’re calling on the government and the Department to clean their own mess and provide a fair allowance for our vital regional hospital cleaners.

It’s time for regional cleaners to be paid fairly and valued for the important work that they do.

Please sign our petition to send a strong message to the government that these essential workers deserve recognition and fair pay for their important work.

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