Enough is enough

Fix Ramping Now!


Your ambos are in crisis. We all deserve better

Your ambulance services are underfunded, under-resourced and under pressure.

Paramedics and other ambulance workers are burnt out and exhausted working within this broken health system, but the Government are still ignoring the danger to our ambos and our community.

That’s why we’re taking industrial action to fight for change. You will see us wearing pink union t-shirts, taking action to get you into hospital faster and speaking to the media about the real state of health.

We desperately need to fix ambulance ramping, as well as all the serious issues with recruitment, resourcing, fatigue and training within Ambulance Tasmania that endanger our services and put us all at risk.

The Government must fix health now.

What needs to change?

Ambos need your support now more than ever. The Government can’t keep neglecting us when we’re at breaking point. Tasmanians deserve solutions.

We cannot continue to smash the current workers because we can’t resource the ambulance service or hospitals properly.

It’s time for the Premier to address hospital ramping, fatigue among paramedics, and the recruitment problems that put our communities at risk. The issues are not just real – they are potentially deadly. We need more ambulance workers now – paramedics, communications and support services are all under-resourced.

We’ll be forced to take further industrial action if things don’t change.

How can I help?

Please use the form provided and help us send a strong message to our political leaders demanding better for ambulance workers and the community!

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